Thursday, 7 June 2012


Assistant, Master’s degree, Kwiatkowska Joanna, Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty
of Management, Poland,
ABSTRACT: “I know half the money I spend on advertising is wasted, I just don’t know which half”
joked John Wanamaker, who created the first department store in 1876 [15]. In spite of the passage
of time Wanamaker’s saying is still in force. However, it may change soon thanks to coming into
being of new discipline – neuromarketing, which is combination of advertisements’ artistry and
sciences (inter alia neuropsychology, cognitive psychology, neuroimaging, cognitive science,
psycholinguistics). Neuromarketing postulates using fMRI, EEG, EMG or eye tracking techniques
for the purpose of recognising consumers’ preferences toward specific goods and brands as well as
mechanisms concerning decision-making process related to purchases. The goal of neuromarketing
is to obtain the information - the human brain’s responses, which marketing stimuli (advertisement)
is effective.
Key words: the media, neuromarketing, advertisement
JEL codes:M3, M37, M39
The media and revolution
The media are inseparable element from our reality [Latin: means, agent]. Their influence
on individual and the whole communities is irrefutable. More than two hundred years ago (1774)
Irish philosopher, Edmund Burke, said: “there were three Estates in Parliament, but in the
Reporters Gallery yonder, there sat a Fourth Estate more important far then they all” [1].
There are a lot of coined terms which describe surrounding world: media civilization
(Tomasz Goban-Klas, Polish sociologist, authority on media), mass culture, mediocracy (Philips),
The Electronic Republic (Lawrence K. Grossman, former president of NBC News and former
president of the Public Broadcasting System [2]).
For every modern firm the main commodity is the information, which comes under the
market mechanism and the law of supply and demand. It is said that there is nowadays the
information economy, information industry, knowledge based society and the information society.
The media undergo greater digitalization with regard to incredible development of the latest
technologies. Lawrence K. Grossman said: „Gutenberg made everybody a reader. Xerox made
everybody a publisher. Interactive telecommunications is making everybody a potential lobbyist.”
[3]. Nowadays everyone who has the Internet access is able to establish own radio station,
television station or newspaper. The competition on the media market is growing – the number of
recipients is limited and the mass media are undergoing the greater fragmentation process. How do
advertisers find themselves in such a situation? The result of the scattered media is the cost rise of
reaching the recipients. Because the media are not uniform, advertisements have to be more
attractive and personalized. More and more popular is direct marketing. Maybe someday there will
be the advertising unit elaborated in detail on the basis of databases, directly addressed to the
specific recipient. In all probability the contents of such advertising unit will be very interesting,
compatible with the social status and lifestyle of every special recipient.
Another problem is the effectiveness of the advertisement and the presence of the science in
its realization. The sources of knowledge, which are the foundations of the modern marketing, are
going back to the fifties last century (sic!). Robert Heath (author of “The Hidden Power of
Advertising” and the founder the Value Creation Company) said, that we live nowadays in “the
advertising stone age” [9]. Since then many domains have been developed, such neuropsychology,
cognitive psychology, neuroimaging, cognitive science psycholinguistics. The attainments of these
domains constitute wealth of information regarding consumers’ consciousness and their behaviours
as well as factors that are influencing on decision-making process oriented to purchases. The
marriage of these sciences and marketing bore fruits in the form of the new discipline –
neuromarketing, which is probably the only one chance of advertisement to survive the media
Neuro + marketing
The majority of the widely applied marketing researches consist in direct interviewing,
conducting an opinion poll or carrying out a telephone, magazine, etc. survey and audits. Regardless
of utilized techniques and statistical analysis for interpretation of results, these researches are
unfortunately burdened with error that it is impossible to eliminate using such “out of date”
methods. This error is related to consumers’ declaration. Modern psychology proves that people
very often say one thing and then they do something completely else and what is more they think
otherwise. Professor Gerald Zaltman (Harvard Business School) said: "The world has changed, but
our methods for understanding consumers have not. We keep relying on familiar but ineffective
research techniques and consequently misread consumers' actions and thoughts. The products we
create based on those techniques, simply aren't connecting with consumers" [4]. It was professor
Zaltman who decided in 1998 to take advantage of existing neurobiological technologies in order to
check the activity of these brain parts that refer to the decision-making process [5]. The experiment
consisted in “looking into” the consumer’s brain using MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and
checking “How consumers think” (it is also the title of professor’s Zaltman book).This is how
neuromarketing came into being.
Professor Zaltman is the person who is regarded as the founder of the first neuromarketing
institute (Harvard University, 1998r.). The term neuromarketing has been coined in 2000 by Ale
Smidts (Erasmus University, Rotterdam). Nowadays there are 12 neuromarketing institutes that are
operating all over the world [10] (Europe, USA). The 13th institute was established in 2007 in
Poland (LAB company in Warsaw founded by professor Rafał K. Ohme, Warsaw School of Social
Sciences and Humanities).
Peering inside customers’ heads – 1st method
One of the easiest neuromarketing tests is based on the basic instrument from the
psychologists’ workbench – measurement of the reaction time. By using personal computer it is
possible to measure how fast studied person will answer the asked question– it is not essential
whether the button “yes” or “no” has been pressed. The reaction time is the neurophysiological
phenomenon and human does not have possible influence on it. It reflects the emotional state and
the motivation of the studied person. The reaction time is useful to verify if studied person perceive
a brand positively as well as its susceptibility to competition’s influence.
Peering inside customers’ heads – 2nd method
It has elapsed more than 35 years since Edward Purcell and Felix Bloch independently
discovered Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) (1945) and before Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(MRI) has been put into clinical practice. This method, which enables obtainment of contrast soft
tissues images and does not expose the patient to ionizing radiation, has revolutionised medical
The improved version of MRI – fMRI (Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) represents
the energetic economy of the brain (blood oxygenation, glucose combustion - the BOLD effect
(Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent)) which reflects mental processes (the neuroimaging results
are represented in the form of the heat map (Figure 1), where the red colour corresponds to high
activity of the given area). The more a structure is active, the more energy it consumes.
Figure 1 The heat map – the result of neuroimaging (fMRI)
As the topography of the brain centres is known (responsible for happiness, fear, decisionmaking
process, sense of eyesight, hearing and touch, etc.), it is possible to ascertain what emotions
(or if any) has evoked specific advertisements and what was its intensity! Professor Rafal Ohme
said, that application of fMRI consists in “thoughts detection which are still the unknown for our
»ego«.” [6].
In 2004 Daimler AG corporation (formerly DaimlerChrysler), which is the owner of brands
such as Mercedes-Benz®, Smart® and Maybach®, took advantage of fMRI to test what are the men’s
reactions to different car models. The results were surprising: attractive cars cause stimulation of
the same brain regions as faces [9][10].
In the 44th volume of Neuron (October 13, 2004) Read Montague, a neuroscientist at the
Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, TX, USA, published the results of his study [11]. The test
(called the “Pepsi Challenge”) was concerning consumers’ preferences and attitudes toward two
very well-known and nearly identical beverages with regard to the chemical composition: Coca-
Cola® and Pepsi®. In the study participated 67 subjects. The first task was to express the opinion
concerning beverages taste (the cups were unmarked). In this trail Pepsi® was chosen as more tasty
drink. The second test was also related to the taste preferences, but this time subjects knew what
they were drinking. It is surprising that the same people who chose Pepsi at first, in this trial
decided to Coca-Cola! The last stage of this study was based on similar assumption data, but
additionally the consumers’ brain activity was tested using magnetic resonance. According to fMRI
Pepsi® selection stimulated brain centres responsible for the reward system (ventromedial prefrontal
cortex (VMPFC)). In the case of the subjects who chose Coca-Cola® quite different brain centres
were activated - the hippocampus and the lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC), structures responsible
for self-esteem.
Montague proved that the brand choice takes place in the deep structures of consumers’
brains and it is in fact unconscious process.
Peering inside customers’ heads – 3rd method
The next non-invasive method of measuring brain activity applied in neuromarketing is
encephalography (EEG). Encephalograph (instrument that looks like a swimmers cap that holds
imbedded tin electrodes) measures frequencies on the scalp that appear due to cortex neurons’
activity (for example, TV advertisement might be a stimulus) (Figure 2). These frequencies are
related to the waves of different length (1-100Hz). Delta wave (3Hz or below) may occur during the
sleep, alpha wave is evoked by relaxation and beta, when studied persons are alert, anxious or
concentrated [12].
Figure 2 EEG test while watching TV advertisements
Source: Chyłkiewicz J., Co kupuje nasz mózg, Newsweek, April 2007
The EEG method was used to verify the efficiency of the Nivea® brand campaign created by
TBWA Paris which Poles have pleasure to watch this year.
During the „Neuromarketing & Subconsciousness” conference in Sopot (Poland), January
17-18, 2008 professor Rafal Ohme presented how EEG has contributed to the improvement of
Nivea® advertisement. This advertising spot lasted 60seconds. The application of EEG methods
enabled choice of the best scenes which had positive influence on brand perception and proved its
effectiveness. As a result the advertisement’s duration has been shortened to 30s. It is too early to
discuss the effects of the campaign at the moment [7].
Peering inside customers’ heads – 4th method
The measurement of the facial muscles’ electrical potential is surveyed in order to evaluate
reactions to specific advertisements. It is performed using an electromyograph (EMG). Knowing
which muscles represent specific emotions (smile, frown, etc.) it is possible to verify whether
advertisement is perceived positively.
Peering inside customers’ heads – 5th method
Application of different eye tracking technologies allows precise determination of the gaze
points and eye movements when a studied person is looking at the press advertisement.
The first eye tracking methods were applied more than 100 years ago. These techniques
were very invasive then – direct, physical contact with the cornea was essential.
Methods that are applied nowadays are not so drastic. For example electrooculography
(EOG): by applying this technique it is possible to measure the electrical potential difference
between two sides of the eyeball; the photoelectric method: it is based on the physical phenomenon
that enables the measurement of the light reflected by the eye on cornea during eye movements (the
corneal light reflex test); the vision activity screening: the images of eyeball movements are
registered and afterwards digitally processed. The first appliances of the type mentioned above
resembled helmets and were quite uncomfortable to. Appliances used nowadays look like
(un)typical displays which have embedded cameras registering eye movements.
The results of such study have a form of recording which represents the fixation points - that
is the points where the gaze stops and saccades -gaze “jumps”. Afterwards the data of this type is
processed. Depending on the software it is possible to obtain the image that represents fixation
points and its frequency as well as “saccades’ route”. The other form of visualization is a heat map.
Kath Straub, PhD, CUA carried out a study of the Sunsilk® advertisement (Figure 3). He
proved that the application of eye tracking might be helpful in creating better composition –
effective advertisement [13].
Figure 3 Sunsilk® advertisement – before and after modification
The woman on the left side (Figure 3) looks directly at someone who see this advertisement.
In the right picture the woman peeps at the product. Which version of the advertisement is
effective? Both of them were put to the eye tracking test. The results are presented in the form of
the heat maps (the red colour represents points of the most often fixation).
Figure 4 Sunsilk® advertisement – heat maps
The heat map (Figure. 4) gives occasion to observe that the sight of the woman on the left
side concentrates the least on the product! It is paradox because this product is the aim of that
The advertisement has been modified in the way that woman looks at the product and for
that reason person who see this advertisements moves the sight on this product (the heat map is the
More and more companies offer such studies, for example Eyetracking Ltd. located in
Warsaw (Poland).
The eye tracing is considered as a method which will become the basic element of marketing
studies or even replace them. The sight is not prone to all kinds of verbal suggestions and that is the
reason why the data obtained in this way is objective.
Case studies
Sony BRAVIA® LCD TV advertisement was one of the most popular in 2007. Swedish
indie folk singer Jose Gonzalez, whose cover of The Knife's “Heartbeats” was the musical setting of
that advertisement, sold much more compact disks just after the broadcasting of that spot. The
advertisement was realized at Gilbert and Leavenworth Street in San Francisco, where were
bouncing 250 thousands of coloured rubber balls. The image was registered by 23 cameras. Lasting
three days photos were supervised by Juan Cabral and Fallon London Agency. Nicolai Fuglsig was
responsible for the direction. Besides the commercial success the authors of that advertisement got
the Palme d'Or („Golden Palm”) at The Cannes Film Festival (June 2006).
Researchers from Laboratory & Co decided to conduct neuromarketing studies in order to
check what has contributed to the success of this advertisement. In the study participated 50
subjects. They were watching Sony BRAVIA® advertisement and in the same time the electrical
activity in their brains (EEG) and skin conductance responses (SCR) were registered. The results
were surprising. The 17th second of the advertisement (Figure 5) caused significant increase in
neurophysiological emotional reaction. It has been proved that it was the reaction to the scene
presenting a frog jumping out of the gutter. What is more this scene has been shot accidentally and
subjects who so the spot were not even conscious of its appearance!
Figure 5 Sony BRAVIA® LCD TV advertisement. The 17th second of the advertisement.
The studies have proved that scenes considered often as insignificant are in fact of the
fundamental importance. In the case of this advertisement the frog was so-called peripheral signal.
Owing to that signal the recipients’ favour has been held till the end of the spot [6] [14].
The hitherto achievements of neuromarketing are used by concerns such as Coca-Cola,
Procter & Gamble, General Motors, Eastman, Kodak, Nestle [5].
The capabilities of this new discipline make it possible to determine precisely the
consumer’s reaction to specific advertisement (its image, musical setting, slogan or colours).
Neuromarketing enables detection of unconscious consumer’s behaviours. Owing to that, the
company which uses neuromarketing studies to test its advertisements might be certain (in all
probability) that the advertising campaign absorbing large sum of money will be effective.
The usefulness of different neuroimaging methods in neuromarketing researches has been
studied recently – for example positron emission tomography (PET) or Infrared spectroscopy (IR
spectroscopy). Artificial neural networks (ANN) might be used to test the effectiveness of
advertising slogans.
Neuromarketing proves that the effectiveness of advertisement does not correspond to the
popularity of the spot as well as the expenses born by the producers. It corresponds to level of
emotional influence, because from a psychological point of view decisions oriented to purchases
depend on emotions.
According to Robert Heath contribution of psychology to advertisement production will
increase its effectiveness by at least 30%! [9].
Neuromarketing research is undoubtedly the future. It is difficult to evaluate the
effectiveness of this marketing strategy nowadays, because too few studies have been conducted.
1. Scios A., Blog: Bez Dekretu, Zabobon “Czwartej Wladzy”, 7 IX 2008r., available online at
2. Conversations with History: Institute of International Studies, UC Berkeley. Conversation
with Lawrence K. Grossman, available online at
3. Grossman, L. K., Reshaping Political Values in the Information Age. "Vital Speeches of the
Day", 1997, nr 7
4. Ohme R. K., Homo aeconomicus to pobozne zyczenie, Brief, April 2007
5. Ohme R. K., Zagladamy w glab mozgu. Part 1., Brief, January 2008
6. Bierzynski J., Intuicja na pasku reklamy, Reczpospolita, 21 I 2008r., strona B12
7. Wyganski T., Persfazja w bialym fakrtuchu, Media & Marketing, February 2008
8. Wrabec P., Gra w uwodzenie, Polityka, Poradnik psychologiczny, October 2007
9. Ohme R. K., Reklama z kabaretu, Newsweek, April 2006
10. Laboratory & Co; available online at
11. Samuel M. McClure, Jian Li, Damon Tomlin, Kim S. Cypert, Latané M. Montague and P.
Read Montague, Neural Correlates of Behavioral Preference for Culturally Familiar
Drinks, Neuron, Vol. 44, 379-387, October 14, 2004
12. Encefalografia; available online at
13. Straub K., Look composed – How visuals can draw and drive attention, UI Design
Newsletter, May 2008
14. Reykowska D., Choromanska A., SONY Bravia “The Balls” 2005 reklama “like no other”,
available on line
15. Neuromarketing: Beyond branding. The Lancet Neurology, Vol. 3, February 2004

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